Features and Benefits of Teeth Whitening

Your smile creates an immediate, subconscious, visual impact on everyone you meet.  A brighter smile gives the impression of youth, vitality, radiant health, happiness and warmth.  A bright smile is perceived as a healthy smile. Teeth whitening is one of the most economical ways to enhance your smile.

Smiles are valuable. Statistics reveal that we place a high value on our smiles. According to an American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry survey:

  • Virtually all adults (99.7%) believe a smile is an important social asset. 96% of adults believe an attractive smile makes a person more appealing to members of the opposite sex.
  • Three-quarters (74%) of adults feel an unattractive smile can hurt a person’s chance for career success.
  • And when respondents were asked, “What would you like to improve most about your smile?” The most common response was: “Whiter & brighter teeth.”

Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening:

  • Improves appearance dramatically – In today’s society, a healthy white smile is important not only because of its obvious health benefits but the side effect of having whiter teeth is more smiling and improved self esteem.
  • Boosts self-confidence - looking good very often influences how people feel about themselves. Therefore, the teeth whitening process also improves your self confidence and that personal "feel-good" factor.
  • Affordable – teeth whitening is an affordable procedure that can produce immediate results. It has become one of the favorite ways to improve your appearance for the simple reason it is a safe, affordable, fast and effective.
  • Whiter teeth are associated with beauty and a healthier lifestyle – when people have a brighter smile, they tend to smile more often and are less self-conscious while interacting socially.
  • Looking more youthful - a whiter smile tends to minimize the appearance of facial wrinkles, giving way to a more youthful and energetic appearance.
  • Enhances social and career opportunities – if you speak in public or have a visible career, teeth whitening is a game changer as whiter teeth will be received more favorably.
  • First and Lasting Impressions – we all make decisions based on first impressions, and having the confidence to smile naturally can really help to boost a person's likeability factor. Having whiter and brighter teeth can give you the confidence to feel comfortable greeting new people with a smile.
  • White teeth make you seem friendlier and more approachable - whitening your teeth may actually change the way people react toward you.
  • Look your best for special occasions – enhances your overall look for those special events where pictures are likely to be taken. Whatever the special occasion, whiter and brighter teeth can help you feel camera ready!
  • More cost effective than cosmetic enhancement – it’s not surgery and you can see immediate results. Having a beautiful smile is now within the reach of anyone who wants it.
  • Improves oral health - with the removal of stains durning a professional teeth whitening sessiobn, your teeth can strengthen and become healthier, which increases the overall healthof your gums as well as your entire mouth.

3168 N Lincoln Ave.

Chicago, IL 60657

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